The Role of Steel in Shaping Modern Infrastructure

From skyscrapers that shape the skyline of cities, and places people call home to underground systems connecting peoples and resources, steel has established and earned the trust of millions of consumers worldwide. However, before steel became a dominant name for construction and its use became universal, Iron was mostly used to withhold buildings.

Steel first made its mark in the world more than 4000 years during the Iron Age just when Iron was starting to replace other metals like bronze as it proved to be significantly stronger and tougher. Yet over the next several thousand years, both the kind of ore accessible and the techniques of production would have a significant impact on the quality of the iron produced.

Iron’s characteristics were widely known by the 17th century, but as industrialization in Europe was growing, urbanization called for a more adaptable structural metal. During the 19th century, metallurgists had a financial motivation to discover a solution to the brittleness and ineffective manufacturing methods of iron due to the quantity of iron being used by growing railways.

Yet without a question, the most important development in steel history occurred in 1856, when Henry Bessemer discovered a successful method for using oxygen to lower the carbon content of iron. Thanks to that development, the modern steel industry we know now was established.

With that, from the first skyscrapers constructed in the late 19th century to the modern buildings of today, steel has been utilized in almost every type of big construction. Yet, more lately, steel has emerged as a viable alternative for smaller structures, including private homes.

Despite the fact that the globe has changed significantly over the past 50 years, there is still a significant need for steel. Instead of steel mills producing steel from scratch, one of the most important innovations in the business has been the practice of melting down waste steel for reuse.

Mini-mills currently generate the majority of steel. In these mills, the metal is melted down using an electric arc furnace that employs carbon electrodes to generate an electric charge. They have also been a crucial step in the recycling of used steel, but there is still much work to be done before the industry develops sustainable smelting methods.

Even though the use of steel has gone beyond just construction materials to our daily lives. However, more than 50% of the world’s steel demand is accounted for by one of the most significant steel-using industries: construction. Steel provides the strength that all structures — from homes to parking garages to schools and skyscrapers — need. Steel is also utilized as cladding for external walls and roofs.

According to a recent United Nations assessment released in 2019, the world’s population will rise by 2 billion people in the following 30 years, from 7.7 billion people now to 9.7 billion in 2050. There will be a quick urbanization along with this. Reducing natural resource use and related emissions is essential for long-term sustainability as the world’s need for structures and infrastructure rises.

While buildings’ operations are responsible for 28% of the world’s CO2 emissions, they also provide several options for cutting emissions and preventing climate change. Apart from it being a rather “green” option, Steel has many advantages too. Steel offers a level of strength that is not possible for structures with wood frames and brick walls. It is flexible and simple to install, and it does not warp, buckle, twist, or bend. Steel is a desirable building material because of its improved quality and simplicity of maintenance. It is resistant to mold and mildew, a problem that occasionally affects wood-frame structures. Natural calamities like tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes can’t harm steel since it is so strong. Termites and fire are significantly less likely to damage steel buildings. Architects have more creative freedom when using steel than they do with wood, which allows for the creation of larger areas.

That being said, competent design is also necessary for a steel structure to be really energy efficient because a poorly built steel building may be susceptible to corrosion.

Finding a contractor with experience with the material, as well as plumbers and electricians ready to work on a steel structure, is the secret to building with steel. Nonetheless, if one is constructing with steel Jagadamba Steels is a great investment.

Jagadamba Steels in Nepal has been the most trusted steel brand that has been providing an incomparable product when it comes to the quality of the steel. Its products, be it TMT Rebars to Galvanized wires, have claimed both the trust of national and international markets. If you want your dream project to have stability and longevity there is rarely any option than choosing products from Jagadamba Steels.

It is difficult to envision a future without steel. It is the substance that enables a large portion of modern existence. It’s difficult to not be astounded by the advancements that have been achieved over steel’s history that we still benefit from thousands of years later.

So keep in mind that it’s all part of history the next time you get in your car, use the elevator, or sip a cup of coffee in your steel travel mug, and think about how different life would be without this magnificent material.

Bell, Terence. (2020, August 28). The History of Steel. Retrieved from