Home Building Tips

Best Steel for Reinforcement




According to Nepal National Building Code, High Strength Deformed Bars – Fe500: High strength deformed bars with fy =500 N/mm² and minimum elongation not less than 14.5% is the best preferred for the reinforcement specifications.

Jagdamba E is a Fe 500 Grade Earthquake Resistant Steel Rebar. It is the first and only of its kind of superior Steel Rebar available in Nepal and specially made for applications in earthquake resistant constructions. Jagdamba E Rebars conforms to Fe-500 Grade quality as per Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology, NS:191 Certification and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), ISI Certification IS:1786:2008 and New Zealand Standards.




Table: Mechanical/ Physical properties of Jagdamba E TMT Bar


Particulars Jagdamba E Values


Fe500 Grade

NS:191 Standard

Yield stress – YS(N/mm2) ≥ 500£ 600
Tensile Strength – UTS (N/mm2) ≥ 575
UTS/YS ratio ≥ 1.15 £ 1.40
% Elongation 14.5%


Quality Advantage with JAGDAMBA E


Source: Nepal National Building Code, NBC 202:2015, Government of Nepal.